Thursday 17 October 2013

Living in Toronto in your 20's

               Toronto is the place to be when you want to experience pretty much anything. Whether it's going shopping, going to the theater, concerts, baseball games or eating any kind of food imaginable, there is little you can't do here. I know so many people who whenever they come to visit, say how much they would like to live in downtown Toronto. But what is it actually like to live here on a daily basis? I had no idea what it would be like before I moved here. And although I love it, what I thought it would be and what it actually is are two different things.

The Toronto Harbourfront

Toronto Music Garden
My two favourite places to go in Toronto would have to be the Harbourfront and the Toronto Music Garden, which are in the same area. These are my two favourite places, because you can get away from the noise of the city, smell the fresh air and hear yourself think. I could spend every day visiting either location in the summertime, just relaxing and lying out in the grass. They are both incredibly relaxing and peaceful.

Downtown Toronto is an amazing and relatively safe place to go out at night. You definitely get the odd crazy (I've had my share of experiences with these kinds of people) but overall there's always plenty of people around, and everybody's out with friends or on dates and just wanting to have a good time. However, once you actually live here you begin to avoid the main tourist spots like Dundas Square. This is funny to say now, because it used to be my favourite area when I'd come down to visit, as I always found it so busy and exciting. The fact that it's so busy is exactly what I don't like about it now, and I rarely visit the area, even to go shopping.

           If you're like the majority of those living in downtown Toronto, you take public transit pretty much everywhere. Now, there are times when taking public transit aggravates me to no end, and I'm in a furious mood by the time I get off the subway or bus. This is mainly do to the behavior of other people. Also, the TTC cannot always be relied on if you want to get somewhere on time, such as needing to get to work or showing up on time for an important test. But generally, I don't mind the TTC, and use my commute time to listen to music and sip iced coffee. Due to the fact that I'm in school right now, I am lucky enough to mostly avoid the main commuter times where the subway and buses are absolutely JAMMED and you cannot move for the people. There are times where you cannot even turn around and have to push your way off of whatever form of transportation you're on. I've seen people just barely miss their stop because they can't get off the subway (I, being one of these people). It can also get very hot and sweaty, and mess up your hair and makeup before you get to where you're going. Thankfully, I haven't had to experience that in a while!

As much as I complain about living in the city, (and I do a lot) when the day comes that I no longer live here, I will miss it. I didn't think I would until last year, when there was a period of time that I moved away. I literally became homesick for this city. All the sights and smells that I thought just aggravated me became things that I couldn't wait to have around me again. This city truly is an interesting and exciting place. There are so many little areas where you think you've stepped out of the tall buildings and construction that is Toronto, and entered somewhere beautiful.

Sometimes I feel like I need to step back and appreciate where I am, and not let the craziness of the city get to me. Although some days I want to be able to just walk outside my door and smell the fresh air, that will come in time. Right now, it's time to just enjoy what's around me!

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March Favourites 2014! ♥

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