Monday 11 November 2013

My Skin Story: From Hormonal Acne to Clear Skin!

This is my skin with no makeup on, right after washing (and first thing in the morning, as you can see from my bed head). I did not edit out any spots, blotchyness, etc. I still get the occasional spot like pretty much everyone my age, but it is not too often nowadays. My skin has settled on a combination type, and that's what I've been working with for a few years now. Some people may say that my hormonal acne has gone away because I have gotten older, and am no longer a teenager. This is WRONG, as whenever I stray from the products and behavior that keep my skin clear, it breaks out again.  

Disclaimer: Before I say the first step that keeps my skin clear, just a reminder that this is not for everyone, and unless prescribed by a doctor, you should not go on it for this reason. 


Birth control drastically helped get my skin under control, especially in the beginning stages when I was 15 and had fairly severe acne. This was the initial step that allowed me to even get to the other steps. When you specifically have hormonal acne, combating hormones with hormones is one of the best steps you can take to get your skin to behave, and fast. I have gone off of birth control once or twice since I was 15, and my skin has started to break out again every time, although not as bad as it might of if I didn't take care it. 


When I was younger, I never listened to or cared about all the warnings that sleeping with your makeup on can cause significant damage to your skin. I used to fall asleep with my makeup on CONSTANTLY. Taking it off consistently every night has allowed my skin to repair itself so much more than it ever had the chance to. Not only did it reduce any breakouts, but it allowed my skin to repair itself overtime, and faded some of the acne scars I have from when I was a young teen. This is a definite must for clear skin.


You need to look specifically at what products are meant to do for your skin, and target the areas that you wish to change. If you are looking to reduce the size of your pores, look for a product that specifically says it does that. If you are looking to balance and tone your skin, look for a product that does that. Research what you are putting on your face, or at the very least read the back of the bottle. The skin routine that I have now works wonders for me, and that is because each product that I use is meant to target a certain aspect of my skin that I do not like. Below are the products that I have settled on and use on a regular basis, as well as what I use them for:

Biosource Hydra-Mineral Cleanser Toning Mousse: Cleanses, tones and removes leftover makeup. 
Nip + Fab Scrub Fix: I use this once a week to keep acne away/get rid of any spots I may have, plus brighten and renew my skin.
L'Oreal Radiant Tone Ideal Moisture Day/Night Cream: I use this in the morning to moisturize my skin and keep it looking radiant. I also use this to smooth away any texture, which I did have an issue with from leftover scarring/acne. 
Marcelle BB Cleanser: I use this at night to deeply moisturize and repair my skin overnight.


This used to be just an aid in taking off my makeup, until I realized what it was doing for my skin. A washcloth acts as an exfoliator, helping to slough off dead skin cells and renew your skin, making you less susceptible to acne and breakouts. This cut down on how often I was exfoliating and how many products I use. This is an absolute must every night in my skin care routine.


When it comes to eating, unfortunately I do not eat anywhere near how I would like to. This tends to happen when you're a student. However, I rarely drink, do not smoke or do drugs and get plenty of sleep on a regular basis! Smoking, drinking and lack of sleep have a significant effect on your skin, and do not allow it to reach anywhere near it's full potential.

And those are my secrets to clear, healthy skin! Hope you enjoyed! 

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