Monday 30 December 2013

I'm in Ireland!

       Hello everyone! Unfortunately it's been quite awhile since I've been able to do a blog post, and I may not be able to do a proper one until I get back. Can't wait to share the scenic views with you all, as well as the beauty and fashion items I've picked up! There's been a ton of rain here, but we've managed to get some shopping and site seeing done so far. I would say Ireland is pretty much how you would picture it, lots of green land, winding, narrow country roads and tons of pubs! Although I am really enjoying it, I still can't quite believe that I'm here! Here's a little peak below at Kilarney, where we visited today!

Talk to you soon! xx

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March Favourites 2014! ♥

           Welcome to my March favourites 2014! As showcased in my YouTube video below, I had a decent amount of products to share with you...